We Made Beer with Honey! Collab with Highline Brewing & ABC Bees
We love bees. As former chefs, we know how important they are to our global food system, so we're pretty interested in keeping them around. Coincidentally, so are the folks at ABC Bees, a Calgary-based organization focused on promoting sustainable urban beekeeping and educating folks about it. Every year we sponsor two hives through Eliese and her team, and every September, she gives us the delicious golden harvest of honey from those hives!
Rewind to 2020, and we were eager to do something exciting with our neighbours in Inglewood and spotlight a local business, so Highline Brewing, around the corner from Knifewear Calgary, was an obvious choice. Our staff have enjoyed many a post-shift pint at their establishment, and we think they make some of the best beer around. Head brewer JJ was super into the idea, and he crafted Buzzcut, a super potent & delicious 9.5% Honey Apple Sour Ale. Everyone was so thrilled with the outcome of that collab that we decided to do it again.
Fast-forward to Spring 2022, and we've been sitting on a big bucket of honey from last year's harvest. We approached Eliese and JJ, and both were super down to work together again. Without delay, JJ got to brainstorming and brewing. Inspired by a braggot, an old drink made from half malt and half honey, he concocted Always Be Crushin' (ABC) Honeyed Cream Ale. This light, refreshing, and insanely crushable 5% summer ale perfectly embodies the beginning of summer and the return of our beehives. The honey flavour carries through with a very light sweetness
We're thrilled to be launching this beer Sunday, May 29, 12 noon at Highline Brewing. We hope you'll join us for the launch party on Highline's patio! Eliese will be there to give a short presentation on the work ABC does, and there'll be free taster glasses for everyone who shows up. Highline will naturally be pulling pints and filling growlers with this golden elixir.