The best advice I can give you about taking care of nice tools is to treat it like you spent $500 dollars on it, and you’ll be fine. A good cutting board is no different than a good knife, so common sense goes a long way. Here are a few pointers:
• Always wash and dry by hand.
• Dishwashers destroy wood. End of story.
•Thoroughly dry your board before putting it away in the cupboard. Damp wood in dark places tends to get mouldy.
•You have a gorgeous board, consider displaying it proudly on your counter.
•The board is made of wood, and will burn if you put hot pots and pans on it.
•Be gentle when using a serrated knife or cleaver on your board. The scratches and gouges can be deeper and harder to hide after the damage is done.
Here’s what you should never do with a good cutting board:
•Soaking your board in water. This will cause swelling and warping, which will eventually cause the joints and glue to break and twist apart.
•Never use super hot water to clean it. This will strip the waxes and oils from the board, drying it out to an extreme. It will need some conditioning to ensure it isn’t permanently damaged.
•Avoid using coarse steel wool or wire brushes, they can scratch your board deeply. Use a Tawashi Brush or the salty lemon trick in cases where you need aggressive scrubbing.
•Never use baking soda on your board. It will stain your cutting board, even when mixed with an acid.
•Don’t use abrasive or chemical cleaners. They aren’t necessary and can scratch the board, weaken the wood, or mess with the glue.
The key to a long-lived cutting board is keeping the wood greased up when it starts to dry out. While your board will come “seasoned” (greased up with waxes and oils), it does take some regular maintenance to keep it in tip top shape. A board that is properly seasoned will repel water, stains, and unwanted odours. Regular waxing will also help close up the scratches and cuts that arise with regular use.
We carry a fantastic Knifewear Board Wax, locally made just for us. Smear a healthy dose on your board whenever the wood loses its shiny lustre. Apply it generously with your hand or paper towel and let it sit for a while, even overnight if you’ve let it get out of hand. Buff out the excess with a clean paper towel or cloth and you’re back in business.