We are extremely proud to be bringing Knifewear owner and CEO, Kevin Kent's book, The Knifenerd Guide to Japanese Knives, to our customers. This is your invitation to come hang out with us, and Kevin of course, to celebrate the launch. In classic Knifewear fashion there will be beer and hotdogs, plus stacks of books for purchase. Kevin will have his book-signing pen there, so you can get your copy personalized. We hope to see you there, this book is the culmination of over a year’s work and we're excited to get it out into the wild.
“For years we wanted to offer a book like to our customers, but there wasn't one out there that did the job, so I took the plunge and wrote it myself. It's primary focus is on the blacksmiths that make these knives because I think they need more attention than they get. It also addresses the top 50 questions we get asked at the shops every day.
As a burnt out chef turned retailer I was sceptical about writing a book, but starting the process in Japan, in the workshops of the blacksmiths, I found some serious inspiration. It turned out that I quite enjoyed the process of writing and I am so proud of this book.” —Kevin Kent
Here are the details for each city, and where can RSVP: