Nathan Gareau
Nathan started at Knifewear in 2013, when he left the restaurant industry to slang knives. Nowadays, he handles our communications, social media, and YouTube channel. If you're reading words on this website or watching one of our videos, Nathan was involved. He spends his spare time growing food, cooking, fermenting food and booze, and enjoying the great outdoors.
Recent blog posts
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Industry Mondays: Free Knife Sharpening for Chefs!
When I worked in restaurants, my knives were always sharp. They had to be because we worked with beautiful ingredients and food costs were high. We had to be precise....
Industry Mondays: Free Knife Sharpening for Chefs!
When I worked in restaurants, my knives were always sharp. They had to be because we worked with beautiful ingredients and food costs were high. We had to be precise....
Knifewear Calgary 16th Birthday Party
Sunday January 26, 10am - 6pm1316 9 ave SE Can you believe it's been SIXTEEN years since we opened? Come party and help us celebrate this Sunday! We'll be serving up...
Knifewear Calgary 16th Birthday Party
Sunday January 26, 10am - 6pm1316 9 ave SE Can you believe it's been SIXTEEN years since we opened? Come party and help us celebrate this Sunday! We'll be serving up...
Mutsumi Hinoura-san in Vancouver January 16th
About the Event Mutsumi Hinoura-san will be at Knifewear Vancouver this Thursday, January 16th from 12-5pm!Mutsumi-san brought some very special new knives for the event, and we're offering 10% off...
Mutsumi Hinoura-san in Vancouver January 16th
About the Event Mutsumi Hinoura-san will be at Knifewear Vancouver this Thursday, January 16th from 12-5pm!Mutsumi-san brought some very special new knives for the event, and we're offering 10% off...
This Chef's Favourite Spoon: Gray Kunz
Chefs like spoons as much as they like knives—there, I said it, the secret is out—different spoons for checking seasoning, stirring, plating, basting, flipping, making a quenelle, sauce drizzling, or...
This Chef's Favourite Spoon: Gray Kunz
Chefs like spoons as much as they like knives—there, I said it, the secret is out—different spoons for checking seasoning, stirring, plating, basting, flipping, making a quenelle, sauce drizzling, or...