How to Install Magnetic Knife Racks on Drywall & Tile

Whenever you walk into any Knifewear shop, one of the first things you’ll notice is the knives on the walls. Everywhere. And we’re not just talking about pretty murals; we’re taking honest-to-goodness actual Knives on magnets on the walls. Looks pretty kick-ass, doesn’t it?

Unsurprisingly, many folks want to bring home a little of that style into their own kitchen, and lucky for them, Quebec-based Beau Grain makes some great magnets that are equal parts art and knife storage solution. Today, we will run through the two best ways you can install your very own magnet at home! If you don't feel like reading, check out this video that Nathan made:

How to Install Knife Magnets in Drywall

If you’re lucky like me, you’ve got ample wall space (but no f&$%ing cupboard space), and that means you’ve got lots of room to easily and safely install your magnetic wall mount!

Materials You Will Need:

  • Magnet block
  • Level
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Drill/Driver with a flathead drill bit
  • Masking tape (optional but handy for marking the placement)

First and foremost, select a space on your wall that makes sense. It never hurts to choose an area that allows you to add an additional magnet down the road. It happens. Trust me. I need a fourth magnet in my kitchen…

Be mindful of attaching knives to the wall above the sink or the stove.  Accidents can happen, and you don’t want your blades falling into your metal sink! Likewise, above the stove looks super cool, but cooking grease can make a mess on your knives. Select your desired location on the wall, use the level to make sure that your magnet is situated perfectly horizontal and mark off the other edges with the masking tape. When you go to install the bar, you know where the bar should go- in the middle of the tape markings!

Now that you’ve got the perfect space picked out, grab that flat head screwdriver and get ready to pry. That’s right, PRY! The metal bar that is recessed in the backside of your magnet is really in there, so pry it using that screwdriver BUT! BUT! Be careful. Rare Earth magnets are strong, and you don’t want to pinch your fingers between the metal and the magnets. It hurts. Trust me. Grab your level and your drill along with the provided anchor screws. Get the metal bar in place and get to the drilling! Start with just one anchor screw and drill it in almost the entire way. Grab your second anchor screw and the level.  Make sure your metal bar is level; this is your last chance! Drill that second anchor screw in place and finish off the first one. Once both screws are snug, place the wooden magnetic face onto the metal bar. Remember, watch that those fingers are clear from any pinch points.

VOILA! Look at you, Tim, the Toolman Taylor, ain’t got nothing on you!

“BUT WAIT!” I hear your cry, “I DON’T HAVE ANY DRYWALL! IT’S ALL TILE, TILE AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE! HELP ME!” Fear not, this is more common than most people think, and we’ve got an easy solution! Read on, friend, read on.

How to Mount Knife Magnets on Tile, Without Drilling

Don’t go crazy buying expensive drill bits; this tried and true method will save you the headache and hassle and you don’t have to worry about cracking that fancy tile backsplash. Sure, you can drill the tile with a masonry bit, but those holes are permanent, baby. You better not want to move your knife magnet or sell your house. Instead, we have a much better solution: all you need is some heavy-duty double-sided tape!

Additional materials:

  • Paper towel
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Heavy Duty Double sided tape (Gorilla Grip, 3M etc., 1lb per 2 inches of tape is your goal)
  • Scissors/Utility knife (NOT a Japanese Kitchen knife!)
  • Masking Tape (optional)

First things first, clean the back of the magnet well, using some paper towel and isopropyl alcohol.  Dampen the paper towel and wipe the back of the magnet. Do the same for the desired tile space you plan to install the magnet on! Let everything air dry for approximately 1 hour.

Once everything is dry, you’re ready to install those strips! Measure out and cut two strips of the tape to match the entire length, end to end, of your magnet. 1 strip will go above the metal bar, the other below. Double-sided tape is exactly what it sounds like, so you’ll want to remove the protective strip on just one side for now. Attach the glue side down to the back of the magnetic wall mount. Do this for the second strip as well! Always follow the manufacturer's instructions on the package.  Some products will ask you to attach the strip and weigh it down with something heavy. Others will say, “do not apply any weight for 24 hours after installation”. These manufacturer notes are crucial to a safe install!

Take a moment and find your ideal space on the tile.  This is where the masking tape can be handy! Have a strip of tape handy, place your magnet on the wall and use the level to ensure everything is squared away! Now use that strip of tape to mark the tile above or below the magnet while it’s in place and level. Tada! A sneaky little hack to prevent you from hanging your magnet crooked!

Now that everything is ready to go, remove the final backing strips, exposing the glue side of the mounting tape. Press into place firmly and hold it there for a few moments. And guess what? You’ve just hung your amazing wall mount magnet without drilling.  Feel like a genius? You should! Now, remember to oil the face of that magnet with some Knifewear Board wax to make sure there’s just that little extra lustre!

Now your kitchen is looking as spiffy as your local Knifewear store. Meghan wrote an excellent guide to the different knife storage solutions if you’d like to check out more options for your overflowing collection!

Check out knife storage options.

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   Adam Zarycki

Adam Zarycki

After a decade of being chained to the stove, Adam enrolled in the Knifewear Chef Rehab Program, meaning he's almost a normal person! Our resident axe nerd and outdoor enthusiast, he's also a Kiritsuke connoisseur. Stop by with any axe questions or ask him about that time he won third best Donair in Edmonton!