Collection: Kei Kobayashi

Kobayashi-san owns a machine sharpening company in Seki and has been sharpening knives for other knife makers for years. When Kei Kobayashi, the current president, took over, he decided they should make their own brand of knives using the years of skills, techniques and knowledge that they accumulated. This is how Kobayashi Knives came into existence. They are made with SG2 stainless steel, and some even come with psychedelic colourful custom handles from a maker in the USA. 

These knives are super thin, making them the very definition of “laser-sharp”. This thinness allows them to slice through meat and veggies with ease as if the food wasn’t even there. It also makes them excellent for anyone who prefers a lighter, thinner knife.

This series of knives have been made with one of my fave steel types, SG2. SG2 is a very hard powder stainless steel for an extremely long-lived edge and is rather tougher than many super hard powder steels.

10 products